TIS Press Release October 2016
Schröder + Schierenberg focuses on TIS
Bocholt, October 25, 2016
Schroeder + Schierenberg Spedition will use the telematics system TISLOG from TIS, which has so far only been used in local traffic and depot transshipment, also in long-distance traffic. The aim is to build up a company-wide and uniform solution for the order and vehicle fleet management in local and long-distance transport as well as warehouse scanning. In this process, the East Westphalian logistics service provider has terminated the telematics solutions, so far in use in long-distance traffic. This year, the member of the general cargo cooperations 24plus and Online will equip his approximately 20 long-haul trucks with TIS telematics boxes of the type telematicbox Truck Premium in conjunction with robust "Tab Active" tablets from Samsung. These have SIM cards from TIS as well as the app "TISLOG mobile Enterprise". TIS also supplies special cradles for the tablets, whose integrated charging electronics ensure an extended battery life. The introduction of the expanded telematics solution is expected to be completed in 2016 already.
Then the TISLOG mobile Enterprise app will also ensure a seamless order management between the transport management system (TMS) and all drivers in long-distance traffic. The tours are sent directly from the disposition software to the mobile terminals and supplemented by the drivers with the current dispatch status. The TISLOG office module acts as an online interface for the telematics data gathered from the telematicboxes all over Europe.
Storing the data in the telematicboxes makes the solution insensitive to radio interruptions and ensures a seamless data availability. With the aid of the telematicbox Truck Premium, Schröder + Schierenberg will also automate the remote reading of the tacho data and use the data from the FMS interface to optimize the diesel consumption.
The new decision for TIS is based on the good experiences with the telematics system TISLOG mobile PSV3, which has already been used for many years in the local transport sector. In addition, more than 20 scanners with TISLOG mobile with integrated damage documentation are used for the warehouse transhipment. "The systems are extremely reliable and our contact person Mike Ahlmann always gives us the feeling that we are very well cared for at TIS," emphasizes traffic manager Lars Henseleit, who heads the transport division at Schröder + Schierenberg. In addition, TISLOG mobile "in the form of the two variants Enterprise and PSV3 enables the parallel use of end devices with Android and Windows operating systems."
More than 50 industrial scanners with the operating system Windows Embedded 6.5 are used in the areas of local and general cargo. The subcontractors also have industrial scanners to guarantee the scan rates required by the 24plus and Online co-operation agreements.
Background: Schröder + Schierenberg Spedition GmbH
The East Westphalian Schröder + Schierenberg Spedition GmbH emerged in 2015 from the fusion of two friendly family businesses. About 180 employees are involved in procurement logistics, distribution logistics, warehouse logistics and consulting. The company owns around 75 units and offers swap vehicles, standard and mega trailers as well as thermal and tank vehicles. Special solutions such as a lifting platform delivery in long-distance traffic for hazardous goods can be offered without further warehouse transhipment.
The head office of the owner-operated company is located directly on the A2 motorway in Porta Westfalica. Here are the transshipment as well as the high rack storage and other block and rack warehouses. In addition, the areas of customer service, sales, disposition, administration, fleet, repair shop as well as the management are located here. At the Minden site, Schröder + Schierenberg operates a heated shelf and block storage facility with additional storage areas, which can be easily reached via the Bundesstraße B482. In addition, the forwarding company is located near the Dutch border in Wietmarschen, Lower Saxony, on the premises of a large customer with offices and storage areas. Schröder + Schierenberg is a member of the general cargo cooperations 24plus and Online.
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Background TIS GmbH
TIS is one of the market leaders for high-end telematics projects with more than 150 corporate customers and 50,000 drivers as users in daily use. We have been developing intelligent telematics solutions for freight forwarders, transport and logistics companies as well as retail chains for almost 35 years. With TIS solutions, our customers control their entire truck fleet and order management and monitor their entire flow of goods in real time - from the depot to the smallest branch.
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