Press Archive 2021
Press Releases 2021
TIS Press Release November 2021
Paperless logistics processes
Camion Transport AG from Switzerland simplifies its dispatch in the short- and long-distance traffic with the help of the telematics solution TISLOG and saves around 24 tons of paper every year.
READ MORE ...TIS Press Release September 2021
Device replacement at Emons Spedition
Emons Spedition replaced around 1,500 mobile computers for warehouse and driving personnel, along with the relevant telematics software, within the space of only four months. Honeywell’s CT60 XPI, a standard device covering both areas, is being used for the first time. TIS GmbH is the supplier of the devices.
READ MORE ...TIS Press Release June 2021
Gebrüder Weiss relies on a new tour planning tool in local transport
The international transport and logistics company Gebrüder Weiss is optimizing its land transport processes with a new type of dispatching solution. The software integrates the graphic tour planning into the TISLOG telematics system used by Gebrüder Weiss, which has been specially adjusted for this purpose.
READ MORE ...TIS Press Release June 2021
Constantly changing
With TISLOG, the Heinrich Gustke forwarding company uses one single telematics system for all cargo and general cargo transport, which enables gapless digital work.
READ MORE ...TIS Press Release June 2021
Gebrüder Weiss: TIS delivers 3,500 mobile data terminals
The replacement of 2,100 mobile scanners for delivery and 1,400 devices for warehouse handling is planned by the end of 2021. The mobile device management TISLOG MDM enables central and efficient organization.
READ MORE ...TIS Press Release April 2021
TISLOG at Fritz GmbH & Co. KG – Fritz Group relies on TIS GmbH
The Fritz Group switches to TIS GmbH and introduces TISLOG as a solution for dispatching and order management in local transport.
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Markus Vinke
+49 2871 2722-0
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