ISO27001 Certification, Partnership with Collect+Go and Ansorge Branchenlauf
IS27001 Certification, Partnership with Collect+Go and Ansorge Branchenlauf
We are pleased to present you today all important news about our company and our products.
We got the ISO27001 certification for IT security lately.
We want to present you our partner Collect+Go who offers an easy implementation of e-CMR.
We sponsored the Branchenlauf from our customer Ansorge. Our managing director Fabian Bielefeld also participated in the 10km run.
Enjoy reading this newsletter
For the team of TIS
Markus Vinke & Fabian Bielefeld
- Managing Directors -
The topics of this issue
IS27001 Certification
IS27001 certification tests the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a documented management system for IT security.
This was our first ISO27001 certification and we successfully passed it two weeks ago.
IT security is very important to us. We handle the data of our customers and partners strictly confidential and want to underline it with this certification. Furthermore, we think that this is the right step in order to be positioned well for the future. A yearly recertification makes that sure.
Partnership with Collect+Go
Together with our partner Collect+Go we can offer you the digitalization of CMR. This saves paper and increases the efficency of your working processes.
The digital consignment note, e-CMR, can be used in Germany for two years now. Countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium and France started using e-CMR earlier. Today, the digital consignment note is accepted in 39 countries. The last ones to follow were Italy, Austria and Hungary.
An overview of the most important advantages of e-CMR:
- Usage of less paper which leads to lower costs: In most cases a paper consignment note costs up to two euros. That is why it is not only a topic of sustainability but also of costs.
- Data Security: Paper proccesses can lead to business risks easily when talking about data security. E-CMR instead can save data right away.
- Transparency of your supply chain: e-CMR offers you a goods issue process which transitions seamless in other processes. Signatures and futher information are available directly.
Ansorge Branchenlauf
We were sponsor at the Branchenlauf of our customer Ansorge. The event took place on October, 5 in the Allgäu.
We had a stand to inform participiants about our company and our products. Of course, plenty of promotional gifts could not be missing.
In addition, our managing director Fabian Bielefeld participated in the 10km run. His run could be tracked live through TISLOG. An interesting action and a great event!
Our sales team will gladly advise you!
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