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Our topics in 2024

Our topics in 2024

The year 2024 has flown by – a year full of dynamism, movement and change. Driven by the growth of our company and the requirements such as ISO certifications, we have further developed our structures at TIS and defined our processes more clearly. All of this to make working with you easier, more efficient and of even better quality.

These are challenging times, marked by international and regional crises. We are aware that the coming years will be challenging. Therefore, it is even more important that we stand side by side and support each other.

TIS is a strong company and a reliable partner – and has been for many years. With our solutions for transport and logistics, we help you simplify processes and remain profitable.

We have exciting new topics on our roadmap for 2025:

We are expanding our offering in fleet management.
In addition to local transport scheduling, we will also offer solutions for long-distance and direct transport in the future.
Automatic scheduling and route optimization are also on the program.
In addition, we are pushing forward the integration of machine learning and artificial intelligence into our products.
With these further developments, we not only help shape the future of our industry, but also want to help you successfully master your challenges.So look forward to an exciting year with us in 2025!

From the bottom of our hearts, we wish you good health, joy in your professional and private life, and that you can always look positively into the future. We hope you have a wonderful and carefree Christmas with your loved ones.

In this newsletter we take a look back at the highlights of 2024 and we would like to share the positive moments with you.

Enjoy reading – and here’s to a great 2025!

For the team of TIS
Markus Vinke & Fabian Bielefeld
- Managing Directors -

The topics of this issue

TIS at LogiMAT and ICT & Logistiek

Team der TIS GmbH auf der LogiMAT 2024

This year we had an own stand at the trade fairs LogiMAT in Stuttgart and ICT & Logistiek in Utrecht. Both events were very successful!

We focused on the topics telematics, fleet management, transport management and warehouse management. We also presented our new platform Infodesk 5 which comes with many advantages such as an advanced overview.

We are looking back to very successful trade fairs with numerous interesting visits of customers, partners and interested persons. But of course, it is not only the quantity that is important but also the quality of the conversations. At this point, we are able to draw a positive conclusion which is why we started some new projects.

Stand der TIS GmbH auf der LogiMAT 2024
Stand der TIS GmbH auf der LogiMAT 2024
TIS GmbH auf der ICT & Logistiek

Webinar Days

TISLOG Webinar Day - Fuhrparkmanagement

This year we have restructured our webinars. We previously offered webinars on our various TISLOG products that took place every two or four weeks. We have now switched to organizing a Webinar Day twice a year. This always includes a general topic for which we present the corresponding TISLOG products within three hours.

Our first Webinar Day on the topic of fleet management took place in June. There we discussed, for example, our TISLOG products: tacho archive, driver's license control, pre-trip inspection, driving and rest times, driving style, time recording and date administration.

The second Webinar Day on the topic of order management took place in November. There we discussed the following TISLOG products: order administration, automated route planning, tour planning, loading equipment management and our TISLOG mobile driver app.

Due to the positive feedback from our customers, we are planning two webinar days again next year. The first one will probably take place in May 2025. As soon as there is more information about it, we will let you know.

ISO27001 Certification

ISO270001, Zertifizierung, IT Security, IT Sicherheit, EN

ISO27001 certification tests the establishment, implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a documented management system for IT security.
This was our first ISO27001 certification and we successfully passed it two weeks ago.

IT security is very important to us. We handle the data of our customers and partners strictly confidential and want to underline it with this certification. Furthermore, we think that this is the right step in order to be positioned well for the future. A yearly recertification makes that sure.

telematicbox Solar Dublin (Telic Solar)

telematicbox Solar Dublin (Telic Solar) | TIS GmbH

telematicbox Solar Dublin (Telic Solar) is used for the tracking of trailers and swap bodies. Thanks to this, you get an overview of the exact locations.

Most important characteristics:

  • GPS for tracking
  • Communication via TIS eSIM
  • Connection to sensors via radiocommunication and WiFi
  • 8 Ah battery for all over tracking even with bad weather conditions

IP69 certified housing

TISLOG driving style and telematicbox Truck

TISLOG Driving style | Logistics software

The TISLOG Driving Style app in Infodesk 5 offers you a precise analysis of your drivers' driving style in conjunction with the telematicbox Truck. There have been some further developments in the last few months.

Now it is possible to define a target grade which should be achieved by the drivers. In addition, notes of driver trainings can be recorded. These two points lead to a better overview.
Furthermore, we developed a driver ranking which compares the driving style of all the drivers and ranks them.

Telematicbox Truck provides the data for the driving style analysis. As soon as the box is installed in the vehicle it sends data such as the use of brakes and the consumption of fuel to the TISLOG system.

Infodesk 5

TISLOG Infodesk 5 | Logistiksoftware

The gradual conversion from Infodesk 3 to Infodesk 5 has progressed further this year. There are some apps that have been successfully implemented in Infodesk 5. This includes:

Order Live: Shows the current status of all vehicles
Fleet Live: Shows the fleet and the associated telematics data
Order Search: Allows you to easily search for orders
Order administration: Easy entry of orders
Loading equipment management: Shows an account overview with all loading devices from various customers, branches, entrepreneurs, partners, etc.
Time recording: Detailed recording of working times
Driving Style: Provides an overview of your drivers' driving style
Yard management: Provides an overview of the yard with free/occupied parking spaces and gates
Tour planning: Enables scheduling on all assets (e.g. vehicles and various loading vessels)

Anniversaries in 2024

Anniversaries at TIS GmbH | Year 2024

This year five of our employees celebrate their anniversary at TIS. We are proud that so many of our employees stay at TIS for several years.

25 years anniversary: Mike Ahlmann (Sales), Erwin Prinzen (Support), Ulrich Möllmann (Support) and Robert Hams (Development)

10 years anniversary: Michael Venhorst (Production)

Thanks a lot for your work over the past few years!

Merry christmas and a prosperous new year!

Die TIS GmbH wünscht Frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2022

This was our review of 2024. A successful year to which we look back with pleasure. But now, we are already looking forward to the next year that will hold various interesting topics ready. We thank you for your trust and we are excited about the personal exchange with you in 2025.

We wish you and your family a blessed christmas and a great start into the new year.

Your team of TIS GmbH

Our sales team will gladly advise you!

Do you have any questions about this news or general questions about our products and services?

Our colleagues in the TIS sales gladly take care of your questions concerns.

Please give us a call:

+49 2871 2722-0

Or send us an e-mail

More News

Machine Learning Tool, Shift and Tour Reports and LogiMAT

29 January 2025

In this newsletter we want to present you our new machine learning tool and our shift and tour reports. Furthermore, we want to inform you that we will attend the LogiMAT once again with an own stand.


Shift and Tour Reports

22 January 2025

Do you always wanted to have a precise overview of the kilometers driven by your drivers per shift? We are able to offer you these information. Get more information about shift and tour reports.


Use of Machine Learning in TISLOG

22 January 2025

Our employee Nico Gaelings wrote his master’s thesis about the development of a machine learning tool in TISLOG.


Our topics in 2024

07 January 2025

In this newsletter we will present you the most important information of 2024.


ICT & Logistiek, partnership with KRONE Commercial Vehicle Group and Webinar Day

29 November 2024

In this newsletter we will present you the most important news of TIS GmbH: ICT & Logistiek, partnership with KRONE commercial vehicle group and Webinar Day.


TIS GmbH at ICT & Logistiek

26 November 2024

In 2024 we were once again at the transprtation air trade ICT & Logistiek in Utrecht in the Netherlands. We had our own booth and welcomed many interested visitors.


ISO27001 Certification

04 November 2024

We successfully passed the ISO27001 certification.


ISO27001 Certification, Partnership with Collect+Go and Ansorge Branchenlauf

04 November 2024

In this newsletter we present you the most important news about our company and our products: ISO270001 certification and partnership with Collect+Go.

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